July 21, 2009

Struggle with External CSS

I had a terrible time over the weekend creating an external style sheet and getting it to work. I finally broke down and asked my husband to help me.

When I first started assignment 8 I couldn't figure out how to get Nvu to open up the .html file I created for assignment 7, so I tried with KompoZer. It worked, and I continued using that program.

For the CSS file I couldn't find a text editor in my Mac applications that worked (TextEdit wouldn't let me save the document as .css). I downloaded a program called CSSEdit, which was very helpful because it color coded everything. You can also click on "verify" to see if the code is correct. If there is an error, it will tell you which line is the problem.

To upload the files to the unix server I used a program called Cyberduck my husband suggested since I was having trouble with FileZilla. I guess trying out a bunch of free programs was all part of the learning experience.

Now on to the final assignments for LIS 2000 and 2600...

1 comment:

  1. once you get over the initial struggle with style sheets, they become your best friends. I can't believe how much easier they make web design. I think about how many hours I spent doing it the old skool way until I finally broke down, bought a good css book, went to the beach and just read until it clicked. Now I can't live without them!
